Disney’s animated classic, “The Little Mermaid” will be given new life for a special evening at TCU Place. As “The Little Mermaid” plays on a large movie screen, Eric Paetkau will lead the Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra performing the film’s Oscar® and Grammy®-winning score live to film.
One of the most beloved films and soundtracks, “The Little Mermaid” features songs and score by Oscar-winning composer Alan Menken and lyricist Howard Ashman.
Disney’s The Little Mermaid Live in Concert is produced under license by Disney Concerts, the concert production and licensing division of Disney Music Group, the music arm of The Walt Disney Company. Disney Concerts produces concerts and tours, and licenses Disney music and visual content to symphony orchestras and presenters on a worldwide basis. Disney Concerts’ concert packages include a variety of formats, such as “live to picture” film concerts and themed instrumental and vocal compilation concerts, and range from instrumental-only symphonic performances to multimedia productions featuring live vocalists and choir. Current titles include the Star Wars Film Concert Series (Episodes IV-VII), Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Fantasia, Pixar In Concert, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Alice In Wonderland, Frozen, Ratatouille, The Pirates of the Caribbean series (Episodes I-IV), and Silly Symphonies, which last year collectively accounted for over 400 performances in many of the world’s top concert venues, including Lincoln Center, Royal Albert Hall, Sydney Opera House, Tokyo Forum and the Hollywood Bowl. Numerous new concert packages and touring productions from Disney’s portfolio of studios, including Disney’s feature animation and live action studios, Pixar, Lucasfilm and Marvel, are currently in development.